Cabo San Lucas was the first port on our May Enrichment Voyage through Central and South America; we arrived early on a Sunday morning to clear skies and a brilliant sun, but violently angry waters that made tendering a bit of an adventure. (Cabo was one of two stops where we didn’t pull directly into port but had tender boats shuttle passengers to and from shore.) From land, you would have never known this as it was a beautiful day nonetheless; from adrift in the middle of the sea, you could feel the power of Poseidon’s wrath.

I was booked on one of the Enrichment Voyages field trips to go scuba diving with a local operator; just like any Semester at Sea voyage or traditional “cruise,” the program offers a number of shore excursions that participants can book to maximize time in port and minimize the hassle of planning such a short visit on their own. And you know me—I never miss an opportunity to get my fins wet.

To read the rest of the article by:Kristen at camelsandchocolate, please click here.

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