21 Incredible Photos of Sierra De Aracena, Spain that will ignite your wanderlust

Picture-perfect villages, lush greenery and an authentic local heartbeat that pulsates through the streets (which DO often smell of the region’s most famous export – jamón ibérico).

Everyone here is all smiles, and it’s no big mystery why. Life in Sierra de Aracena moves just a little bit slower, giving full license for explorers to soak it all in – every view, every bite and every sweet slice of jamón. Travelling here (where local life reigns over tourist traps) feels much more personal than in bigger, more bustling tourism hubs. Rest assured, you’ll leave with a full stomach, a happy heart and a camera bursting with envy-inducing photos.

A few weeks ago, I was invited by Somos Destino Rural to experience the best of this hidden gem (and, presumably, eat half the region’s ham supply). And while my waistline may never recover, I’ll put my dieting aside to quickly share some photos with you all. I’ll have a more detailed write-up from my time in Sierra de Aracena soon, buuuut for now, I’ll simply let these photos whisk you away.

To read the rest of this article by: Happy To Wander, please follow this link: https://happytowander.com/sierra-de-aracena-spain-photos/

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