How to visit Paricutin Volcano on a day trip from Uruapan, Mexico

Paricutin is the youngest volcano in the world, located in Michoacán, Mexico.  It’s one of the seven natural wonders of the world.  Paricutin offers the following points of interest for tourists and photographers;

  • Paricutin volcano (the youngest volcano in the world)
  • Ruins of the San Juan Parangaricutiro church
  • Horse ride to the volcano
  • Angahuan village (a small indian town)
  • Uruapan city

In 1943 a farmer was working in his fields when he felt a rumbling coming from nearby.  The nearby ground had opened up and lava was seeping out.  Throughout the following 11 years this new volcano was continuously erupting  and growing until it finally reached a height of 424m. During this eruption period, the nearby town of Nuevo San Juan Parangaricutiro was completely destroyed and covered in lava.  This new volcano became Paricutin volcano, the youngest volcano on earth.

Because Paricutin is only accessible by horseback, it’s likely you’ll be the only one at the site!  For a traveler and photographer, there’s nothing better than being alone at a natural wonder of the world.

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