This afternoon we walked and walked and walked and walked. And walked. By 1:00 pm I was exhausted both mentally and figuratively from figuring out where we were, where we wanted to go, and how to appreciate what we were doing. Traveling is not for the faint of heart, Ladies and Gentlemen. So we found ourselves numbly sitting on a metal park bench watching Whit play (how do kids have So. Much. Energy?) on a playground near our AirBnB rental. I admit it had taken lots of subtle manipulation to steer Whit and Ben in this direction and convince them that an afternoon siesta would do everyone some good. Oh, so close. Little did I know that as I sat with my head on my knees on that bench Ben was on his phone researching even more to do in the area! I heard about the Xochimilco River Boats Tours about 6 minutes before the Uber arrived to take us in it’s direction.

After a 30 minute cat nap in the Uber I perked right up as I saw where we had gone: a river with many colorful gondolas docked at a market of restaurant and snack stalls.

To read the rest of this articule by : The O’Briens Abroad, please click here

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