I’m a huge animal lover and always have been. When I was recently in Costa Rica and saw that hanging out with sloths was an option, I instantly booked the trip. They are one of the cutest animals I’ve ever seen and I had only been able to admire them from shows on Animal Planet. To make it better, they always look like they’re smiling!

I started my morning with a 45-minute bus ride from Limón, Costa Rica to the Sloth Sanctuary of Costa Rica. The sanctuary is run by three generations of a family, which I loved. The founders are a husband and wife who originally purchased this property on the Estrella River to offer birding tours. The area was officially declared a privately-owned biological reserve by the Costa Rican government in 1975.

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake hit Limón in 1991 and forced the couple to end their birding tours due to the river changing courses. Instead, they built a hotel on their property. The couple was known for being animal lovers and caring for random animals that were injured around the area. A small sloth was brought to them in 1992 by neighbour girls, but the couple was confused on how to care for sloths, as they hadn’t seen one up close before.

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